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| 2008-06-18, 9:50 PM |
Last Update: 29 сентября, 2009
Slash Commands
- /dbm - shows/hides the GUI
- /dbm timer <time> <name> - starts a local timer, the time can be in the mm:ss format
- /dbm broadcast timer <time> <name> - broadcasts a timer to the raid group
- /dbm unlock - shows a movable timer bar
- /dbm stop - stops all boss mods for all players
- /dbm ver - performs a version check
- /dbm recover - tries to recover canceled timers (DBM will do this automatically after disconnects/crashes)
- /dbm spamblock type on/off - toggles boss mod spam block options
- You can use /db or /deadly instead of /dbm.
Категория: WoW | Добавил: MOHAX
Просмотров: 2935 | Загрузок: 701
| Комментарии: 1
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